Saturday, October 8, 2016

“I don’t want to lift heavy because I don’t want to get too bulky” 

* To the dudes reading this, I am sorry to say that this post is more geared towards women. But hey, you are already here so might as well keep reading! 

There seems to be a misconception that the moment women pick up weights heavier than 20 pounds, they will immediately turn into a gorilla (okay, maybe I am exaggerating a little and being a bit sassy). But unlike men, we have significantly lower levels of testosterone and growth hormone – making it much harder for us to put on muscle mass.

Sure, there are female bodybuilders out there that have impressively large muscles. However, they have been working towards that goal for years. To achieve such looks, it requires them to not only train intensively, but to also eat a specific diet and take certain supplements. So I can assure you, YOU WILL NOT GET BULKY FROM PICKING UP HEAVY THINGS unless you are specifically trying to. I would go into more scientific detail on why, but I am pretty sure you don’t want to read all of that. Instead, I’ll just use one of my friends that have been training with me as an example.

This is when her before picture before she started weightlifting. At 5’5, she was 173 pounds. 

This is her now at around after a new tattoo and a year of repetitively picking up heavy things. She looks pretty good right? Want to know what is impressive? She now around 160 pounds and can deadlift 315 pounds.

Trust me, if you pick up heavy things and eat healthy, your muscles will only get stronger and denser. So to my ladies, please don’t let the weights scare you!


  1. I completely agree! Going to the gym and watching some girls only pick up the 5 or 10 lb. weights makes me frustrated because I know that they're capable of lifting more. Also being a rower, I've had guys call my legs "colossal" or say that I could "probably bench more" than they could like it's a bad thing, but honestly I think I'd rather be strong and healthy rather than weak! :) I really love your outlook and I think you'll be a successful trainer!

  2. I don't even think a lot of men can deadlift 315 pounds around me and her muscules doesn't look as scary as the first picture does! Since I have been slacking off two weeks since my last workout, your article made me feel somewhat ashamed of myself of not being consistent. Also, I am going to tell my friends that they shouldn't be worried about big muscles after working out. Time for gym!

  3. This is immensely inspiring. I think a lot of time with girls, we are caught up in the numbers; caloric intake, weight, inches etc. but healthy lifestyle just as much about quality as quantity. Thanks for dispelling some myths about girls "picking up heavy things!"

  4. Wow, Fiona you are doing such a good job at training your friend! I remember a few years ago that I didn't want to lift weights because I didn't want bigger arms but now I wish I had because I have no upper body strength! I also have a lot of respect for professional body builders because they have so much discipline and commitment!

  5. Can you please train me next?!! I think one of the hardest things for women is to be motivated and stay motivated in working out (or at least for me). I always say I want to be healthier and look better but never really do anything to achieve that. You've done a great job with your friend and I am sure you're going to help many other people.
